1. The Project of Enlightenment in Islamic-Arabic Culture, Frank Griffel, Yale University 2. From Esotericism to Science: The Account of the Chariot in Maimonidean Philosophy till the End of the Thirteenth Century, Howard Kreisel, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 3. Competing Approaches to Maimonides in Early Kabbalah, Jonathan Dauber, Yeshiva University 4. Ibn Ezra, a Maimonidean Authority: The Evidence of the Early Ibn Ezra Supercommentaries, Tamas Visi, Palacky University, Olomouc 5. Between Maimonideanism and Averroism: Gersonides' Place within the Maimonidean Paradigm, Roberto Gatti University of Genoa 6. No Perpetual Enemies: Maimonideanism at the Beginning of the Fifteenth Century, Maud Kozodoy, The Jewish Theological Seminary 7. Maimonides' Thirteen Principles: From Elite to Popular Culture, Abraham Melamed The University of Haifa 8. Rabbi Joseph Karo and Sixteenth-Century Messianic Maimonideanism, Mor Altshuler, Carmay Yosef, Israel 9. Maimonideanism in Leon Modena's Ari Nohem, Yaacob Dweck Princeton University 10. The Spectre of Maimonidean Radicalism in the Late Eighteenth Century, Abraham Socher, Oberlin College 11. Counter-Enlightenment in a Jewish Key: Anti-Maimonideanism in Nineteenth-Century Orthodoxy, Michah Gottlieb, New York University 12. Manuel Joel and the Neo-Maimonidean Discovery of Kant, Gorge K. Hasselhoff, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum 13. Maimonides and Ethical Monotheism: The Influence of the Guide of the Perplexed on German Reform Judaism in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century, George Y. Kohler, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 14. Eros within the Limits of Mere Reason: On the Maimonidean Limits of Modern Jewish Philosophy, Hanoch Ben-Pazi, Bar Ilan University 15. How to Read Maimonides after Heidegger: The Cases of Strauss and Levinas, Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft, The University of California, Berkeley 16. Maimonides in Religious-Zionist Philosophy: Unity vs. Duality, Dov Schwartz, Bar Ilan University
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