the process of creating a new decentralized management system a necessary element is a combination of national, regional and local interests, taking into account the local specificity of socio-economic, political and cultural development, which reflects the need to formulate priorities for regional development on their basis It is proved that the task for the science and practice of public administration is to find and provide such mechanisms that would maintain the optimal correlation between different levels of government, ensure territorial integrity, unity of the state and the desire of the regions to realize their own potential, to provide relevant services to the population and to implement strategies as effectively as possible. decentralization conditions based on the established regional development priorities. It is determined that in order to unify a unified approach to determining the priorities of regional development in such a methodology, it is advisable: to consider the combination of sectoral, spatial and management approaches to the formation of priorities, which will allow rational use of scarce resources, minimize their loss; will promote the utilization of existing local potential, activate the initiative of local authorities in the formation and implementation of priorities and in general, will lead to the formation of a positive synergistic effect in the process of implementation of the priorities of regional development; prioritize regional development based on the following steps:formulating regional development problems, assigning them a rank or place in importance, moving from a description of problems to determining the priority of solving them in the parallel distribution of priorities by value. It is proved that the proposed mechanism of formation of priorities of regional development will allow to ensure sustainable and balanced development of regions, to bring the standard of living closer to European standards and to create conditions for increasing economic activity in all regions of the country, which will contribute to the gradual mitigation of regional disproportions in territories and will protect society from the considerable cost of restoring proper living conditions.
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