Background and Prevalence: Constipation is a significant public health issue in India, with prevalence ranging from 16% to 37%. Herbal medicines are traditionally used in India for various ailments, including constipation. Herbal Medicine Usage: The WHO estimates that 80% of people globally rely on herbal medicines for primary health care due to their perceived safety, efficacy, and fewer side effects compared to conventional medications. Unani Medicine Perspective: Unani medicine, a traditional system in South Asia, includes various formulations for treating constipation as mentioned in classical Unani literature. Case Description: A 29-year-old female patient with no underlying health conditions presented with constipation at the General Medicine OPD of RRIUM Srinagar. Investigations: Thorough investigations including CBC, LFT, KFT, RBS, HbA1c, thyroid profile, electrolyte balance, lipid profile, and cortisol level were normal, confirming unexplained constipation. Treatment: The Unani formulation, Safuf-i-anardana, was administered at 9 g in the morning and 7 g at bedtime with plain water for one week. Outcome: The patient experienced relief from constipation after treatment, with the formulation enhancing intestinal motility and promoting bulk formation of stools due to its laxative and purgative properties. Keywords: Constipation, Qabḍ, Turbud, Safuf-i-anardana, unani medicine, mushil
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