Bearing performance degradation assessment can effectively reduce the accuracy degradation and failure of robotic arms caused by bearing failures. Existing performance degradation models based on deep learning and machine learning models have not yet considered the enhancement of degradation assessment by fault-related decoupling in the signal. Therefore, this paper proposes a random convolution kernel transform-based bearing performance degradation assessment model, which enriches the characterization of bearing degradation trends by decomposing the VMD signal and extracting multi-dimensional sensitive features from the decomposed IMFs. The multi-scale characterization of bearing degradation is enriched by a large number of stochastic convolution kernel transforms. A ridge regression classifier is applied to balance accuracy and computational complexity to achieve an intelligent assessment of bearing degradation trends, and the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified on the XJTU-SY dataset, where the accuracy of the proposed method exceeds that of existing fault degradation trend assessment models.