We report results of our studies of the electronic spectrum of the BaF molecule in the energy region ofT0= 31460–32400 cm−1(3.88 <n* < 4.16). We have observed four new electronic states (all constants in cm−1):K2Π1/2(T0= 31996), 4.082Σ+(T0= 32166.293(2),B0= 0.2333892(17)), 3.942Δ (T1= 32252.426(2),B1= 0.2294684(16),A1= 0.879(13)), andJ2Π (T0= 32297.918(2),B0= 0.22952165(51),A0= 57.196(1)). In addition, the previously observedG2Σ+(T0= 30969.715(2),B0= 0.2297411(13)) andH2Σ+(T0= 31606.238(2),B0= 0.23031573(85)) states were rotationally analyzed for the first time. We verified by isotope analysis that theG2Σ+state, previously reported by J. Singh and H. Mohan [Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys.11,918–922 (1973)], had been incorrectly assigned vibrationally. TheI2Σ+state, which Singh and Mohan observed at low resolution, was absent from our spectra and we suspect that this state belongs to a species other than BaF. Electronic term values for the remaining seven not yet observed BaF core-penetrating Rydberg states belown* = 6 were predicted by interpolation of well-characterized Rydberg series. We suggest that theE″ state, assigned by Effantinet al.as a2Π1/2state [C. Effantin, A. Bernard, J. D'Incan, E. Andrianavalona, and R. F. Barrow,J. Mol. Spectrosc.145,456–457 (1991)] must be reassigned as a2Δ state.
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