In vitro somatic callus culturing is used widely in plant biotechnology, but its effectiveness depends largely on the donor plant genotype. Bacteria or components of their cells are rarely used to activate morphogenesis. In this work, inoculation of explants from immature wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) embryos with a suspension of living cells of the bacterium Azospirillum brasilense Sp7 resulted in callus death after 7days of growth, in contrast to explant treatment with a suspension of heat-killed whole cells of Sp7. The experiments used two wheat lines, LRht-B1a and LRht-B1c, which differ in morphogenic activity. Growing calluses with the lipopolysaccharide of A. brasilense Sp7 increased the yield of regenerated plants 2- to 3.5-fold in both lines. This increase was through the activation of regenerant formation from morphogenic calluses. We have demonstrated for the first time the effects of bacterial flagellin on plant tissue culture. The polar-flagellum flagellin of A. brasilense Sp7 leveled the genotypic differences in the morphogenic ability of callus tissue. Specifically, it increased the yield of morphogenic calluses in the weakly morphogenic line LRht-B1a to the yield value in the highly morphogenic line LRht-B1c but lowered the yield of regenerants in the highly morphogenic line LRht-B1c to the yield value in the weakly morphogenic line LRht-B1a. Thus, bacterial lipopolysaccharides and flagellins can be used to regulate the formation of morphogenic calluses and regenerants in plant tissue culturing in vitro.
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