INTRAVENOUS ALBUMIN INFUSION PREVENTS RENAL IMPAIRMENT (RI) AND IMPROVES HOSPITAL SURVIVAL IN PATIENTS WITH SPONTANEOUS BACTERIAL PERITONITIS (SBP). P.Sort*. M. Navasa* and Soanish aroup for the studv of bacterial infections in cirrhosis. *Hosoital Clinic i Provincial. Barcelona. Soain. One third of patients with SBP develop RI in relation with a deterioration of circulatory function, as reflected by an increase in plasma renin activity (PRA). The development of RI is the most important predictor of hospital mortality in SBP. This study assesses whether plasma volume expansion prevents the impairment in circulatory and renal function and improves hospital survival in these patients. 119 patients with SBP were randomized to receive albumin infusion (1.5 g/Kg body wt. on the 1’ day and 1 g/Kg of body wt. on the 3rd day) plus cefotaxime (n=59) or cefotaxime alone (n=60). At diagnosis, hepatic and renal function, PRA and incidence of hepatocarcinoma were similar in both groups. The incidence of circulatory dysfunction (increase of 50% in PRA above baseline levels at the sixth day of inclusion) (4% vs 30%, p<O.OOl) and of RI (8.5% vs 35%, p<O.OOl), and the hospital mortality rate (10% vs 33%, p<O.O02) were significantly lower in patients who received albumin. Among 31 variables obtained at inclusion, treatment modality, prothrombin time, bilirubin and BUN were the only independent predictors of hospital survival. In conclusion, albumin infusion prevents the deterioration in circulatory function and RI, and reduces hospital mortality in patients with SBP. EVIDENCE OF REDUCED EFFECTIVENESS OF AN OTHERWISE INCREASED ENDGGENOUS DGPAMINERGIC ACTMTY IN COMPENSATED CIRRHOSIS. G Sansot?. A Fenwi. E. Liamldi*. CN Castellana**, G Termnova, M Ghidoni. E Villa, F Manenti. Chairs of Gastmenterologv, ‘Endocrinology and **Clinical Pharmacolqy, Universi@ of Modena, Imly. Endogenous dopamine exerts a combined adrenal and renal mediation of the natriuretic response to central fluid volume expansion. Plasma dopamine levels rise in association with the natriuretic response to volume expansion produced by head-out water immersion. Aldosterone secretion both in rat and in man is inhibited by dopamine. Dopamine inhibits Na’-K’ATPase activity in proximal convoluted and straight tubule segments. In this manner dopamine increases sodium delivery to the distal nephron and natriuresis. We studied 12 patients with Child-Pugh class A cirrhosis without history of previous ascites or diuretic consumption (after an equilibration period of five days on a normocaloric diet with a daily sodium intake of 120 mEq) and compared them to 9 control subjects, on the basis of the evaluation of a) the degree of dopaminergic activity, as measured by the incremental aldosterone responses 30 and 60 min min atler metoclopramide (h4TC) 10 mg i.v. administration; b) basal morning levels of active renin and aldosterone while reclining ; c) 4 h renal clearances of lithium (C-Li) (an index of fluid and sodium delivery to the distal tubule) and creatinine (C-Cr), d) 4 h urinary excretion parameters of sodium and potassium. With respect to controls, patients showed signiticantly greater incremental aldosterone responses both 30 and 60 min atler MTC (respectively, +30 mitt: 160.2 f 68.8 v. 83.6 f 35.2 pg/ml, ~4.01; +60 min: 140.5 f 80.3 v 36.8 i 39.0 pg/ml, p<o.Ol). hi spite of this, patients and controls showed not significantly different values of basal morning aldosterone (respectively, 80.36 f 53.22 v. 111.70 f 54.56, p=O.14), distal delivery of sodium (respectively, 4.25 * 1.30 v. 3.97 f 1.64 mEq/min, H.13) and urinary excretion of sodium (respectively, 0.14 f 0.08 v. 0.20 f 0.05 mEq/min, ~4.76). Remarkably, we observed a significant correlation between basal aldosterone plasma values and the aldosterone response 30’ after MTC among cirrhotic patients (r: 0.81, p<o.Ol) but not controls (r: 0.07, e.05). These data suggest, in patients with compensated cirrhosis, a state of partial resistance to the renal and adrenal effects of dopaminergic activity which is actually increased with respect to normal subjects. The known dependence of dopaminergic function on the degree of central fluid volume replenishment and the correlation observed only in patients between this parameter and a main determinan t of central fluid volume (i.e. plasma aldosterone levels) could imply the concept of a state of central hypervolaemia in compensated cirrhosis.
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