Results of experiments performed in several laboratories indicate that contracting myocardium exhibits a cyclic variation of the magnitude of ultrasonic backscatter, with maxima occurring at end-diastole and minima at end-systole. The mechanisms responsible for this variation are not well understood. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the frequency dependence of backscatter exhibits systematic variation throughout the cardiac cycle, analysis of which may facilitate improved understanding of biologic factors responsible for the cyclic variation of the magnitude of backscatter. In this study, the myocardial backscatter coefficient, as a function of frequency, was measured throughout the cardiac cycle in nine open-chest dogs. The frequency dependence of the backscatter coefficient was computed from a least-squares linear fit to log backscatter coefficient versus log frequency data. A cyclic variation of frequency dependence of backscatter was found with maximum near end-diastole (f2.6 +/- 0.1) and minimum near end-systole (f2.2 +/- 0.1), a significant variation (p less than 0.01). These results suggest that mechanisms responsible for the cyclic variation of backscatter may include changes in the effective size of the dominant scatterers throughout the cardiac cycle. An alternative explanation for the observed variation is an increase in the myocardial attenuation coefficient during systole followed by a decrease in diastole.
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