The large spectrometers which will play a major role at ISABELLE, with their many thousands of detector elements, can be expected to generate copious amounts of data. Considering also that some experiments may generate events at rates as high as 10/sup 6/ per second readily leads one to the conclusion that the data handling problems to be faced at ISABELLE will be quite formidable. In order to provide a basis for generating an appropriate model for computing at ISABELLE, the data handling group examined the needs of several possible detectors during the course of the 1978 summer study. The five devices chosen for study were small-angle detector, lepton detector, wide-angle detector, axial-field spectrometer, and large-aperture dipole spectrometer. Because of the high event rates, the process of selecting the events for full analysis occurs in several stages, with more time available in consecutive stages as the amount of data being handled decreases. It seems feasible to construct special function processors to act as triggers for fairly simple geometries. It is an open question as to the degree of generality which can be achieved with this approach. (RWR)
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