The noise pollution from aircraft near airports significantly affects the health and quality of life of the local community either near or far away. This study analyzes trends in airport noise complaints in Maryland from 2016-2018. Data on noise complaints were extracted from airport noise quarterly reports and the data included the number of complaints and unique complaints from different communities near airports, as well as average aircraft operations. The number of complaints rose from less than 1,000 in 2016 to nearly 10,000 in 2018. This study aims to identify the communities most impacted by increasing airport noise through descriptive and geospatial analysis of complaint data. Results will highlight high-complaint areas to inform future noise mitigation policies and airport expansions in Maryland. The number of noise complaints increased drastically from 2016-2018, while flight operations remained steady. Correlational analyses examine the strength of relationship between flight volume and complaint volume over time. Boeing 737-700 operations has the most significant relationship with the number of unique complainants around Baltimore/Washington International Airport. Results will help inform policies to mitigate noise impacts by identifying whether reducing operations, changing flight paths, or other strategies could effectively reduce complaints as well as help the meeting the noise reduction design goals of the state.