Objective: To study auditory acclimatization and outcome in first time hearing aid users fitted with state of the art hearing aids as a function of different hearing aid fitting protocols. Methods: Twenty-eight adult subjects participated in the study. Each subject was assigned to one of three study groups (named audiologist driven, AD; patient driven, PD; set-to-target, STT according to the fitting protocol used) and fitted with digital hearing aids (Bernafon Symbio). Speech recognition scores were measured in aided and unaided conditions over a 6-month period. Results: Five subjects (three from the PD-group, two from the STT group) decided to withdraw from the study during the 6-month-study period, leaving a total of 23 complete data sets for analysis. Aided speech understanding increased significantly over this time period in all three groups. However, average hearing aid insertion gain changes were small over the same period. There were no statistically significant differences in aided or unaided speech recognition scores between the three groups after 2 weeks or after 6 months. On average, twice as many fine tunings of the hearing aids were requested by the patients in the AD and the STT group than in the PD group and subjects in the AD and STT group used their hearing aids approximately twice as much as subjects in the PD group. Conclusions: The substantial increase in speech intelligibility without significant changes of the insertion gain of the hearing aids over a 6-month period in all three groups suggests a significant acclimatization effect. Although the speech recognition with hearing aids did not differ significantly among the three study groups after 6 months, the lower average wearing time and the higher number of withdrawals from the study in the PD group suggest that the patients’ needs are not adequately met. In terms of aided speech recognition scores and hearing aid wearing time the STT group and the AD group were very similar. However, comments of the patients and the higher rate of withdrawals in the STT group suggest an over-all advantage for the AD fitting protocol.