Pure autonomic failure is considered to be a degenerative condition of the autonomic nervous resulting from accumulation of alpha-synuclein in autonomic ganglia [1,2]. Lack of CNS involvement distinguishes this disorder from other synucleopathies with CNS involvement like MSA, DLB and PD. However, long term follow-up of PAF patients has shown that some of these cases convert to one of these disorders most commonly MSA [3]. Also, recent data, albeit limited in nature has shown the association of REM sleep disorder in PAF patients challenging the previous notion that PAF is a disease restricted to autonomic nervous system. This data has led to the discovery of a clinical syndrome with a position in the middle of the spectrum of these disorders with PAF at one end of the spectrum and MSA, DLB and PD at the other end. We hereby present a case report of one such patient with PAF associated with RBD but without any other CNS manifestations.