Recently, a photovoltaic energy integrated monitoring system may happen a serious problem with a little error. After constructing the complete solar power monitoring system, this is, a kind of safety-critical system, it should consider how to completely validate it based on requirements of this system. For even code based test coverage in safety critical area, it must achieve 100% of Path and MC/DC coverage on dynamic analysis. To do this, we suggest to automatic test generation on Model Driven Approach to ensure 100% functional requirement coverage using minimal test cases. More important idea is to generate an image (of test case) with an image (of sequence diagram) based on automatic multimedia image translation processing, but not use an algorithmic method in the old fashion. Our approach is focusing on validating the dynamic behaviors of the safety system, which generate test cases based on sequence diagram, that is, use case scenario to design the dynamic behaviors of the solar power monitoring system. As a result, it can validate the safety critical system with minimal test cases.
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