Summary Observations at Inuvik (70.4 dipole latitude) have shown that supersonic motions of auroral arcs that sweep across the zenith from south to north during poleward expansions of auroral substorms do not generate observable auroral infrasonic waves. This is in contrast to the fact that equatorward supersonic motions of similar auroral arcs do produce large amplitude infrasonic bow waves. These results imply an asymmetry in the basic generation mechanism of infrasound within the auroral electrojet arcs. The morphology of auroral infrasonic wave (AIW) substorms has been determined from auroral zone observations at College, Alaska (64.6 dipole latitude) by comparison of all sky camera (ASC) photographs, surface magnetometer observations and riometer records of auroral cosmic noise absorption events (Wilson 1969a, b, c, 1970). Supersonic motion of large-scale auroral forms in a direction transverse to the long axis of the auroral arcs was found to be a necessary condition for the production of AIW by an auroral arc (Wilson & Nichparenko 1967). This led to the development of a ' shock wave ' model to explain the directional and amplification properties of the radiation of infrasonic waves by auroral arcs in supersonic translation (Wilson 1967). It was shown that if a pressure pulse is produced within the auroral arc by an unspecified mechanism that is of constant amplitude and phase in the frame of reference of the moving arc, then a ' shock wave ' would be produced by constructive interference of the wavefronts as the source moved across the sky. It has been pointed out that ' bow wave ' is a better name for this phenomenon (Chimonas & Peltier 1970). Shock conditions may prevail in the E region of the aurora; however, by the time the infrasound reaches the ground the wave amplitude is only a few dyn/cm-2. Magnetometer records have been used to relate the translational speeds of auroral electrojet arcs to the generation of AIW (Wilson 1969b). The AIW was found to arrive at the surface from six to eight minutes after zenith passage of an auroral electrojet arc in supersonic translation. The horizontal trace velocity V,, of the AIW was shown to have the same direction and speed as the auroral sources motion (Wilson 1967). Further evidence for the association of AIW with supersonic auroral motion that develops along the auroral oval (Feldstein & Starkov 1967) during the expansion phase of the average auroral substorm (Akasofu 1968) was found by a comparison of auroral sudden-onset cosmic noise absorption events and AlW (Wilson 1970). An infrasonic observatory was set up at Inuvik, N.W.T. in Canada at dipole latitude 70.4 (geographic co-ordinates 6835'N, 133W) with an array of four microphones (see Cook & Young 1962, for equipment description), a three-component magnetometer, an all-sky auroral camera and a riometer for measuring cosmic noise
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