Milk candy contains calcium with other essential nutrients, which make it a potential food supplement for adults and children. The present study was designed to characterize the sensory properties of flavored milk candies. A trained panelist evaluated three milk candies (plain, chocolate, and coffee) using a 15-cm line scale. Three hundred and thirty five adult consumers evaluated the acceptability of three types flavored milk candy on the basis of appearance, shape, texture, aroma, flavor, sweetness, and overall liking. Ninety two children evaluated the acceptability on the basis of overall liking of chocolate and plain flavored milk candies. Evaluations of the flavored milk candies revealed that they were different, based on descriptive sensory attributes. Buttery aroma and caramel aroma were considerer’s discriminating attributes, while sweet and cooked flavors were considerer’s least discriminating. Taste, specific flavor, overall liking and aroma were the critical factors for acceptability of the products. Children liked the chocolate flavored milk candy better than the plain one. There were no significant differences between evaluation by children and adults for chocolate and plain milk candy respectively. It was observed that the consumers accepted the calcium enriched flavored milk candies.
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