An approximate expression is derived that describes muon production by high-energy protons and the subsequent attenuation of the muons in a shield. It is shown that the muon flux at x ahead of an interaction by a proton of energy ϵ GeV and where pions have a path length of Δ m in which to decay, will be given by: φ=8.5×10 −2 εΔ x 2 e −( αt ε ) μ/ m 2 , where t is the shield thickness in m and α is an effective muon energy loss rate which has a value of 22 GeV/m for iron and 7.8 GeV/m for concrete. It is further shown that the effective muon attenuation mean-free path is equivalent to 1 16 of the range of a muon with the energy of the interacting proton. The width of the muon beam that passes through the shield is also considered and it is shown that the beam profile approximates a Gaussian distribution with a diameter at half-maximum intensity of: d= 4.6x εαt m . Calculated muon fluxes are shown to correspond reasonably with those obtained by more sophisticated computer methods for proton energies up to at least 30 GeV and over the entire range of shield thicknesses of interest for radiation safety. Results of measurements of muon levels behind beam dumps under various conditions are presented and are shown to be in reasonable agreement with predictions based on the above model.