The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)is applied in several networking situations. It suffers from dissimilar types of attack because of its meagre security mechanisms. The Sinkhole attack is the most destructive attack of WSN. A Reliable Self Reconfiguration (RSR) mechanism has been suggested in this work to eliminate the malicious sinkhole attack from the network. The proposed reliable reconfiguration (RSR)) system consists of two steps. The malicious node is detected and after detection it is corrected without resource loss by using the reconfiguration mechanism. In this paper, the reconfiguration mechanism for correcting sinkhole attack is applied using the C++ built simulator and factors such as Packet Delivery ratio and energy consumption are obtained for estimation The differences in the energy level have been calculated for the three scenarios i.e., Network without attack, Network with sinkhole attack and Network after Reconfiguration. The proposed Reliable Self-Reconfiguration (RSR) method outperforms the various detection mechanisms in finding and eliminating the sinkhole attack.