ABSTRACT: A hydrologic investigation to determine vertical and seasonal variation of atrazine, alachlor, cyanazine, and nitrate at one location and to relate the variation to ground‐water movement in the Iowa River alluvium was conducted in Iowa County, Iowa, from March 1986 to December 1987. Water samples were collected at discrete intervals through the alluvial sequence from the soil zone to the base of the aquifer. Alachlor, atrazine, and cyanazine were detected most frequently in the soil zone but also were present in the upper part of the alluvial aquifer. Alachlor was detected sporadically, whereas, atrazine, cyanazine, and nitrate were present throughout the year. In the alluvial aquifer, the herbicides generally were not detected during 1986 and were present in detectable concentrations for only a short period of time in the upper 1.6 meters of the aquifer during 1987. Nitrate was present throughout the alluvium and was stratified in the alluvial aquifer. The largest nitrate concentrations were detected in the middle part of the aquifer. Nitrate concentrations were variable only in the upper 2 meters of the aquifer. Vertical movement of herbicides and nitrate in the soil correlated with precipitation and degree of saturation. A clay layer retarded vertical movement of atrazine but not nitrate from the soil layer to the aquifer. Vertical movement could not account for the chemical variation in the alluvial aquifer.
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