In chapter 8.2, it has been shown that local spectoscopy of samples can be performed using theScanning Local-Acceleration Microscope, abbreviated SLAM. It is a modification of contact-modeAtomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and its principle is to excite the sample at frequencies above theresonance of the tip-sample system. As the acoustic wavelength is much larger than the sample’sdimension, there is no propagation of the vibration, but a quasi-uniform displacement motion of thewhole sample, which cyclically pushes on the AFM tip (fig. 9.3.1). As the vibration frequency isabove the first contact resonance of the tip-sample system, the inertia of the tip prevents it fromcompletely following the imposed displacement, inducing a non-negligible cyclic stress and givingrise to a cyclic deformation of the sample in the region of the contact between the tip and the sample.All other parts of the sample remain undeformed.