The aim of this paper is to provide a historical perspective on the main experimental steps which led to the current picture of neutrino oscillations in the “atmospheric parameter region.” In the 1980s a deficit of atmospheric muon neutrinos was observed with the first generation of underground experiments. In the following decade new experiments provided fundamental results which led to the discovery claims in 1998. At the beginning of the new century neutrino beams of medium and high energy became available and several long baseline experiments were performed and added new information to the atmospheric neutrino puzzle. The interpretation of the results of atmospheric and long baseline neutrino experiments was in terms of dominant <svg style="vertical-align:-5.76988pt;width:63.137501px;" id="M1" height="14.925" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 63.137501 14.925" width="63.137501" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns=""> <g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,.062,7.675)"><path id="x1D708" d="M509 373q0 -52 -42.5 -118.5t-124.5 -159.5l-94 -107h-27q-22 209 -78 342q-21 48 -41 48q-18 0 -63 -62l-22 21q77 111 125 111q30 0 52 -21.5t38 -75.5q37 -130 52 -285q48 62 74.5 99.5t53.5 87t27 76.5q0 43 -17 60q-5 5 -5 15q0 17 12.5 30.5t28.5 13.5
q21 0 36 -22.5t15 -52.5z" /></g> <g transform="matrix(.012,-0,0,-.012,9.1,11.762)"><path id="x1D707" d="M538 96q-38 -45 -84 -76.5t-71 -31.5q-44 0 -15 117q12 49 18 89h-2q-99 -128 -163 -178q-36 -28 -70 -28q-26 0 -44 38h-2q-16 -69 -16 -129q0 -43 11 -75.5t24 -42.5l1 -6q-7 -12 -24.5 -23t-37.5 -11q-40 0 -40 76q0 52 35 202l94 407l78 24l5 -5q-32 -122 -72 -310
q-7 -33 0 -55t25 -22q36 0 105.5 75t107.5 145l32 146l75 26h10q-50 -197 -78 -347q-7 -38 6 -38q7 0 31 17t47 39z" /></g> <g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,23.888,7.675)"><path id="x2192" d="M901 255q-71 -62 -185 -187l-22 15l102 147h-727v50h727l-102 147l22 15q114 -125 185 -187z" /></g><g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,47.652,7.675)"><use xlink:href="#x1D708"/></g> <g transform="matrix(.012,-0,0,-.012,56.7,11.762)"><path id="x1D70F" d="M471 456q-22 -60 -37 -85q-20 -3 -84 -3q-9 0 -29 2t-29 2q-38 -145 -54 -234q-15 -80 14 -80q23 0 68 38l14 -25q-78 -83 -137 -83q-50 0 -50 64q0 25 7 57l67 266q-57 4 -98 -9t-80 -49l-20 21q14 18 27 31t36.5 30t56.5 26t73 9q26 0 82.5 -2t89.5 -2q21 0 32 5t24 24
z" /></g> </svg> oscillations. Short recollections are made of the SNO solar neutrino measurements, of the results with neutrino telescopes, and of reactor neutrinos to measure sin<sup >2</sup><svg style="vertical-align:-3.3907pt;width:20.637501px;" id="M2" height="16.450001" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 20.637501 16.450001" width="20.637501" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns=""> <g transform="matrix(.017,-0,0,-.017,.062,12.162)"><path id="x1D703" d="M475 507q0 -83 -20 -172t-56 -167.5t-93.5 -129t-125.5 -50.5q-157 0 -157 227q0 78 21.5 164t59 161t96.5 123.5t126 48.5q79 0 114 -58t35 -147zM391 522q0 155 -81 155q-62 0 -111 -82.5t-73 -200.5h253q12 81 12 128zM373 346h-255q-12 -91 -12 -150q0 -72 20 -123
t63 -51q34 0 64 28.5t52.5 77t39 103t28.5 115.5z" /></g> <g transform="matrix(.012,-0,0,-.012,8.525,16.25)"><path id="x31" d="M384 0h-275v27q67 5 81.5 18.5t14.5 68.5v385q0 38 -7.5 47.5t-40.5 10.5l-48 2v24q85 15 178 52v-521q0 -55 14.5 -68.5t82.5 -18.5v-27z" /></g><g transform="matrix(.012,-0,0,-.012,14.236,16.25)"><path id="x33" d="M285 378v-2q65 -13 102 -54.5t37 -97.5q0 -57 -30.5 -104.5t-74 -75t-85.5 -42t-72 -14.5q-31 0 -59.5 11t-40.5 23q-19 18 -16 36q1 16 23 33q13 10 24 0q58 -51 124 -51q55 0 88 40t33 112q0 64 -39 96.5t-88 32.5q-29 0 -64 -11l-6 29q77 25 118 57.5t41 84.5
q0 45 -26.5 69.5t-68.5 24.5q-67 0 -120 -79l-20 20l43 63q51 56 127 56h1q66 0 107 -37t41 -95q0 -42 -31 -71q-22 -23 -68 -54z" /></g> </svg>. Over the years the phenomenological picture improved in completeness and increased in complexity. A short perspective concludes the paper.