We propose a self-consistent and self-explanatory picture of the acceleration/collimation process of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) outflows in the asymptotic domain. With the criticality and current-closure conditions properly taken into account in the global solutions, the most crucial step is the correct usage of the transfield force balance equation, which determines the curvature radius R of poloidal field lines. The sign of R determines the collimation or decollimation of each field streamline, and without referring to the current-closure condition, magnetic self-collimation cannot be discussed—the anticollimation theorem. The location of the fast magnetosonic points are fixed at the innermost distances of the asymptotic domain, and hence, the asymptotic domain is nothing but the superfast, accelerating domain. The curvature 1/R has so far mistakenly been regarded as negligibly small, leading to the pseudo-force-free state in the far asymptotic domain and thereby producing the wrong concept that full MHD acceleration—meaning the conversion of all the Poynting flux into kinetic energy flux—is implausible. It cannot be stressed enough that this global picture has been reached by combining Sakurai's numerical results with Heyvaerts & Norman's analytic asymptotic formalism.
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