Circumventing the reciprocity invariance has posed an interesting challenge in the design of modern devices for wave engineering. In passive devices, operating the device in the nonlinear response regime is a common means for realizing nonreciprocity. Because mirror-symmetric systems are trivially reciprocal, breaking the mirror symmetry is a necessary requirement for nonreciprocal dynamics to exist in nonlinear systems. However, the response of an asymmetric nonlinear system is not necessarily nonreciprocal. In this work, we report on the existence of stable, steady-state nonlinear reciprocal dynamics in coupled asymmetric systems subject to external harmonic excitation. We restore reciprocity in the asymmetric system by tuning two symmetry-breaking parameters simultaneously under certain operating conditions. Specifically, we identify response regimes in the vicinity of the primary resonances of the system where the steady-state left-to-right transmission characteristics are identical to the right-to-left characteristics in terms of frequency, amplitude and phase. We interpret these regimes of reciprocal dynamics in the context of phase nonreciprocity, wherein incident waves undergo a nonreciprocal phase shift depending on their direction of travel. We hope these findings help design devices with new functionalities for controlling and steering of elastic waves.
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