An 'adenoma' is a benign neoplasm composed of epithelial tissue, and has been standard nomenclature for primary pituitary neoplasms. In 2022, the fifth edition of the WHO Classification of Endocrine Tumours and of Central Nervous System Tumours, renamed pituitary adenomas as neuroendocrine tumours (NETs), assigning an oncology label to pituitary invariably benign neoplasms. Multidisciplinary workshops convened by the Pituitary Society have questioned the process, validity, and merit of this arbitrary change, while addressing the adverse clinical implications of the proposed new nomenclature. Unlike NETs, pituitary adenomas are highly prevalent, indolent and very rarely become malignant, and in general do not affect life expectancy when appropriately managed. A nomenclature change to NET does not advance mechanistic insight, treatment or prognosis but confers a misleading oncology connotation, potentially leading to overtreatment as well as engendering unnecessary patient anxiety. As the majority of pituitary adenomas do not require surgery, exclusion of these disorders is a major shortcoming of the pathology-based WHO classification system which is limited to patients undergoing surgery. Many factors influence prognosis other than histopathology. A new clinical classical classification has been developed for guiding prognosis and therapy of pituitary adenomas by integrating clinical, genetic, biochemical, radiological, pathological, and molecular information for all adenomas arising from anterior pituitary cell lineages. The system uses an evidence-based scoring of risk factors to yield a cumulative grade score that reflects disease severity. It can be used at the bedside to guide pituitary adenoma management. Once validated in prospective studies, this simple classification system could provide a standardised platform for assessing disease severity, prognosis, and effects of therapy on pituitary adenoma outcomes.
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