Ekranozems are urban soils that occupy a significant area of cities and play an important role in urban ecosystems, because they have a wide range of properties. One of the main features of ekranozems is the presence of a closed impermeable layer - a screen, that is, an artificial surface, which includes asphalt concrete, paving stones, sidewalks, etc. At the same time, thanks to the processing of scientific and literary sources, it should be noted that ekranozems are still little-studied and under-researched due to their inaccessibility. They are the result of a variegated relief, the influence of zonal and climatic conditions of soil formation and anthropogenic factors. It is clear that these interactions varied depending on the location and age characteristics of the city. The structure, composition and properties of ekranozems, as well as their functioning, are determined by the structural features of roads, driveways, footpaths, etc., as well as the features of anthropogenic impact (before sealing) on the soil, taking into account its natural features in certain conditions of soil formation. Ekranozems occupy a significant part of the territory of the city of Lviv and are characterized by a great variety of properties. As a result of their stay under asphalt concrete and pavement surfaces, such negative processes as a decrease in water permeability, a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the soil, and a change in the water regime occur. There is also soil compaction and a decrease in general sparability during the improvement of the territory. These soils are united by their lack of humus throughout the profile. The studied ekranozems are characterized by the presence of calcium carbonates throughout the profile, which are brought, for the most part, during the construction and laying of networks, as well as various repair works on the road. The acid-base properties of ekranozems are represented by the alkaline reaction of the soil environment, which is caused by the presence of carbonate salts (pH ranges from 7.7 to 8.1), which causes a slowdown in soil-forming processes and, as a result, a change in soil quality. Keywords: ekranozem; urban soil; sealed soil; urban ecosystem; anthropogenic soil; Lviv plateau; cultural layer.
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