Symmetry pervades nature. “Ultimately, at the centre of na-ture, we find mathematical symmetries” (Heisenberg 1966, p.38).Ineverydaylifesymmetriesaremostobviousinorganisms.If we look more closely, symmetries not only are present atthe surface of organisms but pervade organisms at many levels(Garcia-Bellido 1996).Today, symmetry is of interest to a broader diversity of bi-ologists than ever before. From molecular geneticists (e.g.,Coen 1996; Sessions and Yanofsky 1999) to ecologists (e.g.,Karban and Thaler 1999), the symmetry of form in plants isunder intensive study.The expression of vegetative and reproductive shoot sym-metries among plants is extremely diverse. Morphologists rec-ognize two basic categories of shoot symmetry: rotational ortransectional symmetry and longitudinal or translational sym-metry. The first is the symmetry of shoots when viewed incross section, whereas the second encompasses variation alongthe length of the shoot. Within each category, the particulartype of symmetry can be determined by numerous attributes,including organ size, shape, and placement. Although mor-phologists have long studied symmetry, other aspects of sym-metry are largely unexplored.We have assembled a collection of articles on shoot sym-metry with the goal of exploring fundamental issues of thedevelopment, function, and evolution of shoot symmetry.Shoot symmetry is expressed during development. Can theanalysis of development discover basic patterns of change thatresult in diverse symmetries? How does symmetry change dur-ing development? What do deviations from symmetry indicateabout the stability of developmental processes and the con-dition of the organism as a whole? Symmetry patterns areextremely diverse, yet similar patterns of symmetry haveevolved independently in unrelated taxa. Such patterns of ev-olutionary convergence often indicate similar selection pres-sures (Wake 1991). What is the functional significance of dif-ferent types of symmetry? Are particular symmetries adaptive?What are the patterns of evolutionary diversification ofsymmetry?We bring together researchers who approach the study ofsymmetry from widely divergent points of view and who con-duct research inspired by very different kinds of questions.Their articles address symmetry from the following perspec-tives: the symmetry of form, symmetry of development in-cluding developmental asymmetry as noise in a regular sym-metrical pattern, the function of symmetry, and themaintenance and change of symmetry during developmentandevolution. Each article explores developmental, functional,and/or evolutionary aspects of symmetry. Because most of thearticles are concerned with more than one aspect of symmetry,we have organized them according to the type of symmetryrather than by the conceptual issues they address.The first series of articles addresses transectional symmetry.Four papers deal with different aspects of floral transectionalsymmetry, including developmental constraints, functionalconstraints, and the perception of symmetry by pollinators.Symmetry in flowers is favored over irregularity because ofdevelopmental economy, mechanical pollination efficacy, andvisual attractiveness for pollinators. Peter Endress gives anoverview of the diversity of symmetry in flower form and de-velopment within the context of function and evolution, in-cluding new examples and perspectives on enantiomorphy.Shirley Tucker reviews the lability of early developmentalsym-metry patterns of flowers in flowering plants. She shows thatsymmetry patterns may differ among closely related plantgroups in early development, although they are similar at ma-turity. Martin Giurfa, Amots Dafni, and Paul Neal review thefunction of floral symmetry and its role in plant-pollinatorsystems. They explore the question of whether symmetry (vs.asymmetry) can be perceived by bees and whether symmetryis used by bees as a signal. Miriam Lehrer looks at flowersymmetryfromthepointofviewofthepollinators.Shereviewsthe kinds of spatial signals perceived by bees in light of spatialsignals that flowers display and the importance of display dis-tance and display angle. The contributions by Nancy Denglerand Rolf Rutishauser each review a special pattern of shoottransectionalsymmetrythathasevolvedseveraltimesandfromdifferent precursor (ancestral)patternsthroughoutlandplants:shoots with anisophylly and shoots with polymerous whorls.Both authors survey various aspects of development,structure,and function of these patterns, the first with additional em-phasis on physiology and the second on systematics.A second series of articles discusses the longitudinal sym-metry of vegetative shoots. Cynthia Jones provides an analysisof phase change and heteroblasty. These two phenomena typ-ically are conflated in the literature, but Jones argues that theyare separate biological phenomena, and she provides an anal-ysis of how they might be defined and circumscribed. Thecontribution by Alice Winn discusses the possible functionalrole of heterophylly. A review of the literature and her ownresearch shows that both phenotypic plasticity and pro-grammed ontogenetic changes contribute to the expression ofheterophylly. She demonstrates that heterophylly enhancesleafphysiological function in one species, but there is no relationbetween leaf traits and fitness in another species of annualplant. Pamela Diggle explores the relationship between shootheteroblasty and evolutionary changes in flowering time. Dueto the heteroblastic nature of virtually all plants, changes inflowering phenology invariably will result in changes in veg-etative morphology.
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