梅梁湾是太湖北部最大湖湾,也是太湖生态环境问题最严重的区域之一,近年来对太湖治理力度不断加大,然而对其生态状况演变的认识尚不清晰。本文基于长期监测及文献资料,获得1980s以来太湖梅梁湾底栖动物及环境因子数据,分析底栖动物种类组成、优势种、丰度的时空变化,应用非度量多维尺度分析(NMDS)和随机森林(RF)分析群落结构演变及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明,梅梁湾1980-2019年共记录到44属(种)底栖动物,以摇蚊幼虫和软体动物为主,总丰度年际变化显著,40年来底栖群落结构发生显著变化,优势种经历了由较敏感的软体类为主到以耐污寡毛类、摇蚊幼虫等为主的转变。综合NMDS和随机森林分析结果,梅梁湾底栖动物群落演变大致可分为4个阶段:1980s及以前,物种多样性丰富,以河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)等大型软体动物为优势种;1990s-2007年,底栖动物群落快速退化,以耐污种占优;2008-2016年,水生态略有恢复,河蚬等清洁种略有回升;2017-2019年,耐污种优势度和丰度反弹。近40年来梅梁湾底栖动物群落变化主要受底质氮磷、有机质和水体营养盐、蓝藻水华等环境因子变化的影响,此外水生植物演替也是影响底栖动物群落变化的重要因素。;Meiliang Bay is the largest bay in the northern Lake Taihu which has the most serious ecological and environmental problems. In recent years, while the governance of Lake Taihu has been strengthened, the understanding of the succession of its ecological status remains unclear. Based on the long-term monitoring data and historical literature, this study analyzed the temporal and spatial variation of macrozoobenthos composition, the dominant species and density in Meiliang Bay since 1980s. Community succession and its relationship with environmental factors are examined by non-metric multidimensional scale analysis (NMDS) and random forest (RF). The results showed that 44 taxa were recorded in Meiliang Bay from 1980 to 2019, mainly composed of chironomid larvae and molluscs, with substantial interannual changes in total density. The benthic community structure has changed significantly in the past 40 years, with the dominant species have changed from sensitive species dominated by molluscs to pollution tolerant species characterized by oligochaetes and chironomids. Based on the results of NMDS and random forest analyses, the benthic community succession in Meiliang Bay can be roughly divided into four stages. Stage 1 (before 1980s) had Corbicula fluminea and other large molluscs dominated the community characterized by high species diversity. In stage 2 (1990s-2007), the benthic community degenerated rapidly, dominated by pollution-tolerant species. From 2008 to 2016 (stage 3), the ecological condition showed a recovery trend, with the sensitive species increased slightly. Stage 4 from 2017 to 2019, the dominance and density of pollution tolerant species rebounded. The changes of benthic communities in Meiliang Bay in recent 40 years are mainly regulated by sediment nitrogen and phosphorus, organic matter and water column nutrients, followed by aquatic macrophytes degradation.
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