The systematic position of the lichen family Schaereriaceae, formerly included in the Pezizales or incertae sedis, is evaluated. Since the genus shares a number of characters with the Agyriaceae, including the hemiangiocarpous ascoma development, zeorine apothecia, and similar chemistry, it is best placed in the Agyriineae. The ascus of Schaereria is interpreted as a reduction of the Trapelia-type. Since some differences occur between Schaereria and the Agyriaceae, namely the different paraphyses, ascus structure, and pycnidia, it is proposed to maintain the family Schaer- eriaceae within the Agyriineae. The genus Ach. in the traditional sense was a most diverse assemblage of lichenized asco- mycetes. Hertel and Rambold (1985) listed 54 gen- era that were formerly placed in this collective ge- nus. The genus Schaereria was one of these. It was originally described by Kibrber (1855) and recog- nized by Th. Fries (1860), but was subsequently placed in synonymy with under Nylander's influence. More recently, Poelt and Vezda (1977) resurrected the genus to accommodate S. cinereo- rufa (Schaerer) Th. Fr. Five species of Schaereria were accepted by Clauzade and Roux (1985), name- ly S. cinereorufa, S. endocyanea (Stirton) Hertel & Schneider, S. fuscocinerea (Nyl.) Clauzade & Roux, Lecidea pissodes Stirton, and S. tenebrosa (Flo- tow) Hertel & Poelt. According to Rambold (1989), S. endocyanea and S. tenebrosa are synonyms of S. fuscocinerea, while Lecidea pissodes is regarded as a synonym of Clauzadeana macula (Taylor) Cop- pins & Rambold (Purvis et al. 1992). In the mean- time, three further species--S. corticola Muhr & Tonsberg, S. fabispora Hertel & Ziirn, and S. xe- rophila Rambold & Mayrhofer-have been de- scribed (Hertel & Ziirn 1986; Rambold 1989; Tens- berg 1992), so that five species are currently ac- cepted in the genus. No material ofS. fabispora and S. xerophila was available and these two species are not considered here.
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