Chronic inflammatory skin diseases are of great social and medical importance and require effective drug therapy. Phosphodiesterase4 (PDE4) inhibitors represent apossible therapeutic option by regulating inflammatory processes. PDEs cause the release of proinflammatory cytokines by interfering with signaling pathways. The PDE4 inhibitors apremilast (treatment of psoriasis and Behçet's disease), roflumilast (treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and crisaborole (treatment of atopic dermatitis) are currently approved in Europe. Apremilast is used for second-line treatment of plaque psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis and has afavorable side effect profile. Topical PDE4 inhibitors are currently being researched and have not yet been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The topical PDE4 inhibitor crisaborole was approved by the EMA in 2020 as atopical treatment alternative to glucocorticoids and calcineurin inhibitors. Although the substance has shown good tolerability in studies and also alleviates the accompanying itching, it did not find its way onto the German market. BEHçET'S DISEASE: Apremilast is approved for the treatment of Behçet's disease in adults with refractory, severe oral ulcers. Case studies have also demonstrated the efficacy of systemic PDE4 inhibition in other skin diseases (including blistering autoimmune dermatoses, lichen planus, and acantholytic genodermatoses). The substances are also being researched and used to treat extracutaneous inflammatory diseases.