We are very excited to introduce the first issue of the ACM Proceedings of the ACM on Networking (PACMNET) journal. The Proceedings of the ACM series presents the highest-quality research conducted in diverse areas of computer science, as represented by the ACM Special Interest Groups (SIGs). PACMNET focuses on contributions presenting significant and novel research results on emerging computer networks and their applications. PACMNET was created to collect top-quality scholarly articles in the area of computer networking. PACMNET encourages submissions that present new technologies, novel experimentation, creative use of networking technologies, and new insights made possible using analysis. The journal is strongly supported by the ACM Special Interest Group on Communications and Computer Networks (SIGCOMM) and involves top-level researchers in its Editorial Board.bWe started working on PACMNET in 2019, with the idea of having a new journal that guarantees both a fast publication time and a very rigorous and constructive review process. The creation of PACMNET was done with the enthusiastic support of the ACM SIGCOMM community, and it will be especially attractive for networking researchers from regions where conference publications are no valued.
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