The Kitikmeot Sea, in the south-central Canadian Arctic Archipelago, is an estuarine system comprised of Coronation Gulf, Bathurst Inlet, Dease Strait, and Queen Maud Gulf. It is unique in the pan-Arctic system due to three defining features: (1) shallow bounding straits to the west (Dolphin and Union Strait) and northeast (Victoria Strait) that are less than 30 m deep; (2) Arctic Ocean inflow carrying nutrient and salt supplies over the bounding sills that are primarily delivered from the Canada Basin; and (3) massive freshwater input from the mainland watershed that drains an area almost 5 times larger than the Kitikmeot Sea. Here we present physical and geochemical observations obtained from 1999–2020 to show that these conditions maintain an estuarine circulation year-round, wherein the excess low-salinity water, formed from inflowing rivers and seasonal ice melt, exits over both bounding sills and is replenished by inflowing oceanic waters from Amundsen Gulf and Larsen Sound. The shallow sills both restrict the depth of inflow, dictating the salinity and nutrient concentrations of inflowing waters, and increase tidal speeds over the sills, which leads to mixing between the outflowing and inflowing water that further lowers inflowing salinity and nutrient concentrations. Together, all these processes establish a strongly stratified and overall low-productivity ecosystem within the Kitikmeot Sea. We propose a conceptual model of marine ecosystem function that favors an abundance of Arctic char and seals as top predators instead of the larger polar bears and whales as found adjacent to the Kitikmeot Sea in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
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