In a thermal arcjet the main heating of the propellant takes place in the constrictor. To gain more insight into arcjet operation and to obtain experimental data on the shape, size, and stability of the arc channel inside the constrictor, a modified arcjet thruster was built. Through a window in the nozzle throat the discharge channel in the constrictor was observed. With a fast CCD camera, images of the arc were taken, and using image processing methods a hydrogen arc was analyzed. The camera system was calibrated to measure absolute intensities. Thus, it was possible to determine the two-dimensional temperature profiles from electron continuum and from the line intensity ratio of the H« and the H^ line. In the second section, an analytical method to calculate the flow conditions inside the constrictor is described. The first version of the model is developed for hydrogen as propellant. The calculation results are compared with measurements. Nomenclature A = area, m2 B = magnetic induction, Vs/m2 c = thermodiffusivity of cold gas, m2/s ch = total heat capacity, J/kgK E = excitation energy, J / = absorption oscillator strength g = statistical weight 7 = arc current, A j = current density, A/m2 M = molecular mass, kg/mol Ma ~ Mach number m = mass flux, kg/s n — grade of current density parabolic n = particle density, 1/m3 p - static pressure, N/m2 q = heat flux, W/m2 $1 = universal gas constant, J/molK RL = radiation and reaction losses, W/m3 r = radius, m T = temperature, K v = velocity, m/s 2 = coordinate in flow direction, m 8r = radial step in cold gas contour calculation, m £, I = dimensionless quantities accounting for radiation losses K = adiabatic exponent A = heat conduction coefficient, W/mK A = wavelength, m v — frequency, 1/s p = mass density, kg/m3 a = electric conductivity, A/Vm
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