Music schools need some special acoustical design for good education. If this is also for children with disabilities, the effect is more important. Research is about musical education for partially hearing disabled children. At this point architectural acoustic design acquires importance. This is not only in the shape of the room but also in using covering materials and other solutions. The question is whether architectural acoustics solutions can affect the music education of partially hearing disabled children or not. Here the first discussion is whether we need some additional components of good classrom acoustics for partially hearing disabled children in the American National Standards Institute Standard S12.60 2002 for clasroom acoustics, and the cost impact of the Standard. Childhood hearing loss is a widespread problem with significant impact, an invisible condition resulting in communication problems that can ultimately interfere with learning and social development. Included are audio files that illustrate that even a mild hearing loss can have a significant impact on a child's ability to understand the teacher. Especially children with a partial hearing loss need a more lively room to amplify the instrument sound for improved hearing capacity.