Archean orogenic gold deposits are hosted in the Rio das Velhas greenstone belt in the eastern sector of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Southern São Francisco Craton region, southeastern Brazil. These include the gold deposits along the NE-trending Córrego do Sítio lineament, stretching for some 15 km, and the Pilar deposit, object of the present study. These deposits occur in an area close to the boundary of the São Francisco craton, which is commonly interpreted to have preserved the Archean and Paleoproterozoic crust from the effects of Ediacaran-Cambrian Araçuaí orogenic front. The gold deposits were formerly interpreted as exclusively Archean (ca. 2.7 Ga). However, recent geochronological data suggest the imprint of the late Ediacaran-Cambrian Brasiliano Orogeny in host rocks of these deposits, as structural modification or hydrothermal alteration assemblages that postdates Archean mineralization. To elucidate those issues, contextual (thin section) in-situ U–Pb SHRIMP dating was conducted on hydrothermal monazite crystals from the Carvoaria and Cachorro Bravo deposits of the Córrego do Sítio lineament and from the Pilar gold deposit. Hydrothermal monazite in mineralized metapelites from Carvoaria yielded a U–Pb Discordia with intercepts at 2,514 ± 22 Ma and 555 ± 19 Ma. Three younger, age-equivalent crystals are concordant and yielded a U–Pb Concordia age of 539 ± 9 Ma, identical within uncertainties to the lower intercept age. Monazite from the Cachorro Bravo deposit yielded U–Pb Concordia ages of 551 ± 10 Ma and 510 ± 11 Ma. Monazite from the veined (silicified) sulfide-schist from the Pilar deposit is depleted in U, precluding the calculation of robust U–Pb ages, and disclosed a mean 208Pb/232Th average age of 508.2 ± 6.4 Ma. These results reinforce the proposal of a strong Ediacaran-Cambrian imprint related to the final stages of the Brasiliano orogenic event, affecting Archean gold deposits throughout the Quadrilátero Ferrífero. Consequently, the results point to the importance of mapping Brasiliano-related structures that control the spatial arrangement of the gold deposits, such as the Córrego do Sítio lineament, consisting of an important exploration target. This major NE-SW trending strike-slip shear zone hosts several gold deposits and might represent an Archean structure reactivated during the Brasiliano Orogeny that possibly led the large volume of Ediacaran-Cambrian post-collisional hydrothermal fluids among the east sector of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero.
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