This study aimed to explore the diversity, root morphology, and colonization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) associated with eight medicinal plants of the Lamiaceae family. Rhizospheric soil and root samples were collected from eight species of Lamiaceae plants for AMF analysis. The results indicate that root colonization was not directly related to the number of AMF spores in the rhizosphere. However, a significant correlation was found between the percentage of root colonization and the number of AMF species present in the individual plants. The highest percentage of colonization (86.67 ± 1.92%) and the greatest number of AMF species were observed in Micromeria fructicosa, while the lowest colonization (27.67 ± 6.22%) was recorded in Mentha arvensis. The highest spore count was recorded in Thymus vulgaris (120 ± 27.01), whereas the lowest was found in Melissa officinalis (84 ± 17.20). Among the identified AMF species, Glomus was the most dominant, representing 35.7% of all AMF species across the eight medicinal plants. The maximum AMF spore density was observed in M. fructicosa and lowest in M. arvensis. The study suggests that AMF can significantly enhance medicinal plant growth by ensuring a consistent supply of nutrients and water, thereby supporting the sustainable cultivation of medicinal plants to meet the growing demand.