Objective: The study of the work has a comprehensive approach, based on current legislation and practice. Based on the fact that the arbitration procedure is an alternative procedure for the resolution of disputes, it is quite demanded, and that there are deficiencies in the literature as well as in the knowledge of the subjects of the law. Thus, when it came to the decisions made in the arbitration procedure, we say that they have the same legal force as the decisions made by the regular courts of the state, and also the annulment of the decision requires special clarification, since there are cases that the decision made in the arbitration proceedings are required to be set aside as the reason that the agreement to arbitrate is void. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to clarify in short points that it is possible to annul an arbitration decision in the event that the arbitration agreement was invalid. Method: The work is formulated on the basis of appropriate scientific methods. The methods that are included in the paper are scientific methods, historical methods, comparative methods, deduction methods, induction methods, and other methods without which the paper could not be formulated! Result: The decision made in the arbitration procedure must be made in accordance with the law on arbitration as well as with the principles defined in the law on arbitration, whether domestic or international. If it is found that the arbitration decision is illegal, or not based on evidence, then the same can be annulled. This annulment can be done by the regular state courts, but always in case the party that has a legal interest addresses the court and requests the annulment of the arbitration decision because it is contrary to the law on arbitration or contrary to the agreement on arbitration. or other reasons which the parties may present in the action for annulment of the arbitration award. We will talk more about the annulment of the arbitration decision in the content of this paper. Conclusion: As a conclusion of the paper, in the general sense of this paper, I have mentioned that the parties during the terms of the agreement must be careful not to conflict with any reason that leads to the invalidity of the arbitration agreement, since this invalidity will have consequences in in the event that an arbitration award has been given by this agreement, as from the regular courts this award will be annulled because the arbitration agreement has been invalid since the beginning of the criminal offense of this agreement or may become invalid and with the passage of time. So, during any action taken by the parties who claim to resolve their dispute through arbitration, they should be careful that everything is in order with the arbitration agreement, as the invalidity of the agreement may lead to the annulment of the award. of arbitration and this would be to the detriment of the party.