The production of pairs of scalar particles belonging to an arbitrary color multiplet of the SUc(3) group in proton-proton collisions is considered, and the differential and total cross sections for the corresponding partonic processes are obtained. The total cross section for the production of octets of scalar gluons F1 and F2 at LHC is calculated versus their mass, and their dominant decays, which are necessary for their searches, are discussed. It is shown that, for mF1 ≲ 1000 GeV, the number of signal \( t\tilde tb\tilde b \) events fromthe decays of the scalar gluon F1 may exceed substantially (by not less than three standard deviations) the Standart Model background and that the cross section for the production of scalar gluons F1 and F2 having masses in the region mF1,mF2 ≲ 1300 GeV may be sufficient for the efficient (Nevents ≲ 100–1000 at L = 10–100 fb−1) production of these particles at LHC.