A time marching finite difference scheme incorporating an efficient method of false transients, an approximate factorisation technique and a time steps cycling process, is presented for solution of a system of Poisson's equations. The solution to the equations provides a smooth three dimensional boundary fitted grid around a body in motion. The scheme required much less computational effort than that required by other iterative schemes. In closure, examples of a static grid around an aircraft tailplane and a dynamic grid around a flapping wing are presented. References Ly, E., Improved Approximate Factorisation Algorithm for the Steady Subsonic and Transonic Flow over an Aircraft Wing, in Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS98), AIAA and ICAS, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 1998, Paper A98-31699. Ly, E., and Gear, J. A., Time-Linearized Transonic Computations Including Shock Wave Motion Effects, Journal of Aircraft, 39, 6, Nov./Dec. 2002, pp. 964--972, http://mams.rmit.edu.au/3j9p7fh8xj2o1.pdf Ly, E., and Nakamichi, J., Time-Linearised Transonic Computations Including Entropy, Vorticity and Shock Wave Motion Effects, The Aeronautical Journal, Nov. 2003, pp. 687--695. Ly, E., and Norrison, D., Automatic Structured Grid Generation by an Approximate Factorisation Algorithm, Mathematics and Statistics Research Report 2006/02, School of Mathematical and Geospatial Sciences, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, July 2006, 28 pages, http://mams.rmit.edu.au/1354efwypnzn.pdf Ly, E., and Norrison, D., Automatic Elliptic Grid Generation by an Approximate Factorisation Algorithm, ANZIAM Journal, 48 (CTAC 2006), pp. C188--C202, July 2007. http://anziamj.austms.org.au/ojs/index.php/ANZIAMJ/article/view/48 Ly, E., and Norrison, D., Generating Elliptic Grids in Three Dimensions by a Method of False Transients, ANZIAM Journal, 49 (EMAC2007), pp. C170--C183, Nov. 2007. http://anziamj.austms.org.au/ojs/index.php/ANZIAMJ/article/view/313 Mathur, J. S., and Chakrabartty, S. K., An Approximate Factorization Scheme for Elliptic Grid Generation with Control Functions, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 10, 6, 1994, pp. 703--713. Thompson, J. F., Thames, F. C., and Mastin, C. W., Boundary-Fitted Curvilinear Coordinate Systems for Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Fields Containing any Number of Arbitrary Two-Dimensional Bodies, NASA Contractor Report CR-2729, Washington DC, USA, July 1977, 253 pages. Warming, R. F., and Beam, R. M., On the Construction and Application of Implicit Factored Schemes for Conservation Laws, in SIAM-AMS Proceedings, 11, USA, 1978, pp. 85--129. Abbott, I. H., and von Doenhoff, A. E., Theory of Wing Sections, Dover Publications Inc., New York, USA, 1959. Catherall, D., Optimum Approximate-Factorization Schemes for Two Dimensional Steady Potential Flows, AIAA Journal, 20, 8, 1982, pp. 1057--1063. Gear, J. A., Time Marching Approximate Factorization Algorithm for the Modified Transonic Small Disturbance Equation, Research Report Number 6, Department of Mathematics, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 1996, 11 pages. Hoffmann, K. A., Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers, Engineering Educational System, Texas, USA, 1989.
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