It was shown in our previous numerical study 1) for the semi-infinite square lattice (l × ∞) of the q-state Potts model 2), 3) with periodic boundary conditions that an energy E (K, l)/J = −KdlnΛ0 (K, l)/dK versus coupling parameter K = J/kT curve family has a common intersection point, where Λ0 (K, l) is the largest eigenvalue of the transfer matrix. 4) 6) The values of E (K, l) and K = J/kT at the intersection even for small l exactly (to fourteen decimal places) give the critical ones of the bulk lattice (∞ × ∞), which are independent of l, without reference to the duality argument. 2), 3), 7) The energy curve intersection procedure (ECIP) was similarly applied to the semi-infinite simple cubic lattice (l × m × ∞) of the q-state Potts model for obtaining the approximate critical values of the layer lattice (l ×∞×∞). 8) The result of improved precision computations for the simple cubic layer lattice (l×∞×∞) is reported in the present paper. An energy curve family of E (K, l, m) versus K for the semi-infinite lattice (l×m×∞) has seemingly a common intersection point when the calculation is done up to the three decimal places. Higher precision computations show, however, that the intersection point slightly and gradually moves depending on the size m (keeping l fixed) and seems to approach the exact critical transition point of the layer lattice (l×∞×∞). Let Km be the coupling parameter at the intersection of the energy curves E (K, l, m) and E (K, l, m+ 1). As an example, Fig. 1 shows the relation between the parameter Km and the size m for the q = 3 Potts lattice (l × m × ∞) with l = 2 obtained from the intersection points of the energy curves of m and m+ 1 (4 ≤ m ≤ 7). Extrapolating from such figures of Km, we may estimate the critical values (Kc)l of the layer l lattice. For example, for the q = 2 and 3 lattices with l = 2, we have (Kc)l=2 = 0.5197 and 0.6037, respectively. The specific heat exponent μ of the simple cubic Potts lattice with l layers is evaluated by the ECIP with improved precision. The per site specific heat (Cv/k)m is estimated from the slope at the intersection of the energy curves of m and m+ 1. Making use of the curves of (Cv/k)m versus m, we find that the exponent μ of the
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