Objectives: Software researchers have been taking advantage of various evolutionary optimization approaches by digitizing them. Test case selection and prioritization based on fault coverage criteria within a time-constrained environment is important in regression testing problem. Methods: This work empirically evaluates different approaches that includes evolutionary approaches (Ant Colony Optimization, Bee Colony Optimization, a combination of Genetic Algorithms and Bee Colony optimization), and a Greedy approach. These tetrad techniques have been successfully applied to regression testing. Also, tools have been developed for their implementation. Eight open-source test programs, written in C language have been used for empirical evaluation of the regression testing approaches. Findings: The accuracy achieved by t-GSC, being a greedy technique, was found to be least; while that of ACO was found to be the best. All the tetrad approaches yielded borderline better or worse results, while all the four gave excellent time and size gains. Novelty: There are many studies available in the literature that compare various regression testing approaches of a similar kind. Instead of repeating the same, it is intended to evaluate two well-accepted approximation approaches: a hybrid approach, and a greedy approach. It has been tried to evaluate the efficiency of the greedy approach with the metaheuristic approach. It is imperative to compare approaches following different algorithmic paradigms, yet trying to solve the same problem. Keywords: Ant Colony Optimization; Bee Colony Optimization; Genetic Algorithms; Greedy Set Cover; Software Testing; empirical comparison
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