Long-range H,C coupling constants provide important a specific carbon atom which is in the a or in the b spin state. Two soft pulses are used: The first one selects the structural information. There are many methods known for the determination of JH,C coupling constants (1) . One may carbon resonance under proton decoupling, and a second soft pulse determines the spin state. The suppression of the divide them into different approaches. Many experiments use an evolution time, which is adjusted to the heteronuclear main signal arising from protons bound to C is improved by the application of pulsed field gradients. Obtaining the coupling constant (2–12) . There are also several carbonor proton-selective experiments. Since one is looking for H,C coupling constants in high resolution is no problem, since this is a one-dimensional method. coupling constants smaller than 10 Hz, one must find a compromise between a sufficiently long evolution delay and reThe new method consists of two parts: a spin-selective geSELINCOR and a subsequent TOCSY transfer. It is already laxation. Unfortunately, very small couplings may not evolve, and the consequence is the absence of magnetization known that the carbon-selective inverse correlation called SELINCOR (26) is significantly improved when pulsed field transfer. An interesting way to avoid these difficulties was progradients are used for coherence-pathway selection (27) . In this experiment, a carbon-selective pulse is used under proposed by Zhu et al. (13, 14) . They compared peak intensities of a reference spectrum (an H,C correlation without carbon ton decoupling to choose a special carbon resonance. This is done in an INEPT-like fashion and a CW spin lock is pulses) with cross peaks in the HMQC experiment adjusted for JCH couplings. They conclude that the coupling is small used for decoupling (28) . Thus, the experiment starts with the proton magnetization of the directly bonded proton of when there is a small signal present in the H,C correlation in comparison to the reference spectrum. Of course, this is the chosen carbon atom. To complete the INEPT segment, a 907 hard proton pulse is applied. Then the carbon magnetinot satisfying for very small coupling constants (o1 Hz), but for large molecules, this method seems to be useful. zation created in antiphase to the proton is spatially labeled by the third pulsed field gradient. The two weak gradients Another group of experiments is related to the application of heteronuclear-coupled TOCSY or NOESY experiments. surrounding the 1807 pulses are needed to retain the 1807 character of these two pulses (29) . In Fig. 1, the pulse For labeled compounds, the standard TOCSY, for example, is sufficient (15, 16) , and E. COSY-like signals are obtained. sequence of a /b-ge-SELINCOR is presented. The last proton pulse creates multiple-quantum coherFor complicated molecules, it is advisable to apply a 3DHSQC-TOCSY or NOESY (17) . ences (IS , IS , IS , and IS) as shown in the coherence-pathway diagram at the bottom of Fig. 1. For a methine For unlabeled compounds, a heteronuclear filter is necessary (18–22) . Recently, carbon-selective one-dimensional carbon, we apply a 1807 carbon soft pulse shifted with the maximum of its exitation profile about half of the JCH couexperiments were proposed, which have the advantage of high digital resolution in contrast to the multidimensional pling constant, because in this experiment the carbon offset is set on the resonance of the chosen carbon. This is easily experiments. Nuzillard and Freeman use a combination of a heteronuclear filter with (multiple) selective Hartmann– done by the method of Patt (30) . The second soft pulse transforms IS to ( i /2)IS or ( i /2)IS as shown in Hahn transfers to select a single carbon satellite in the proton spectrum (23) . Similar approaches with an unselective TOCSY spin lock were also proposed (24, 25) . Here, we suggest a new method, which relies on the same IS 1807 I (1,2) x i 2 IS . [1] idea that one may select magnetization of protons bound to
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