As online education has become increasingly prominent, the primary objective of this study is to evaluate students' opinions of online classes taught by teachers with no prior experience in online teaching, focusing on their teaching style, teaching efficiency, and pedagogy in the online classroom. Online teaching is a kind of teaching system that depends on network management technology. It concludes the teaching method by the process of live courses or recorded courses employing software containing special online teaching environments and any APP software employed for teaching. Social media, with its massive pool of user-generated content and instant feedback, offers a great opportunity to calculate teaching styles in online class management. Therefore, this study offers a Social Media Based Evaluation of Teaching Style in Online Education Systems using Heuristic Search (SMBETS-OESHS) Algorithm. The main objective of the SMBETS-OESHS technique for evaluate teaching styles in online education systems using insights derived from social media platforms. At primary stage, the SMBETS-OESHS model takes place linear scaling normalization (LSN) is implemented for scaling the input data. Next, the bayesian optimization algorithm (BOA) based feature selection process can be employed to allow for the detection of the most relevant features from the data. In addition, the SMBETS-OESHS model exploits stacked sparse autoencoder (SSAE) technique for classification process. In order to achieve optimal performance, the SSAE model parameters are fine-tuned using the improved beetle optimization algorithm (IBOA), ensuring robust evaluation accuracy. The experimental validation outcome of the SMBETS-OESHS algorithm undergoes and the performances are examined over various measures. The simulation outcome stated that the enhanced solution of the SMBETS-OESHS system over the recent techniques.
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