Impairment of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterolefflux capacity, coupled to attenuated antioxidative andanti-inflammatory properties of HDL particles, has beenlately recognized as intimately connected to atherogenicdyslipidaemia, a well-established cardiovascular risk factor[1]. Concomitantly, raising HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) andapolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) levels has been proposed as amajor anti-atherogenic therapeutic target [2]. While 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl–coenzyme A (HMG-CoA)reductase inhibitors (statins) are very efficacious in reducingtotal cholesterol, triacylglycerol, low-density lipoproteincholesterol (LDL-C) and apolipoprotein B (apoB) levels indyslipidaemic patients, their effect on HDL-C and apoA-I ismoderate at best, and may be dependent on the type ofstatin used, dosage, duration of treatment, but also, geneticfactors [3,4]. In the past, pharmacogenetic studies of lipidresponse to statins have focused almost exclusively on poly-morphisms of genes related to lipoprotein turnover, with thegene coding for cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP)receiving most of the attention [5–7]. Other factors may beinvolved as well. Oxidative stress has been implicated in thepathophysiology of cardiovascular disease [8] and oxidativemodification has been recently reported to impair thelipid-binding capacity of apoA-I, resulting in reduced HDLcholesterol efflux [9]. In addition, the apoA-I gene promoteris known to contain an antioxidant response element andmay be responsive to oxidative stress [10]. Because statins arereportedly able to attenuate the production of reactiveoxygen species through mechanisms unrelated to theirlipid-lowering effect [11], the possibility that genes affectingthe antioxidant status of the organism can influence apoA-Iresponse to these drugs is an intriguing and as yet untestedhypothesis. On the other hand, such an effect could con-ceivably be modulated by polymorphisms affecting reversecholesterol transport – such as CETP TaqI B – especiallysince a growing body of evidence, from human and animalstudies, suggests that there is a functional interactionbetween apoA-I expression and CETP activity [12–14].Glutathione S-transferases (GST) are phase II biotrans-formation enzymes that play a major role in the antioxidantcapability of the organism, by catalysing the conjugation ofreduced GSH to a variety of endogenous and exogenoussubstrates [15]. Two common deletion polymorphisms ofthe GST T1 and M1 genes, resulting in complete absence ofactivity of the respected enzymes (null genotypes), haverecently become the focus of studies investigating their effecton the risk for myocardial infarction [16,17], vascularinflammation [18], hypertension [19] and smoking-relatedcardiovascular disease [20–23].In undertaking this study, we hypothesized that genotypingfor the GST T1 and M1 null, as well as the TaqI B poly-morphisms, may assist in the identification of strongerresponders to atorvastatin treatment, especially with respectto apoA-I and HDL-C levels that are only modestly affectedby this drug. Our study group consisted of 55 previouslyuntreated, Greek consecutive dyslipidaemic [total cholesterol(CHOL) > 240 mg/dl, LDL-C > 160 mg/dl and triacylglycerols(TG) < 250 mg/dl] patients. The latter were all examined in theoutpatient clinic of the First Propedeutic Clinic of AHEPAUniversity Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece, from November2004 until May 2006. Exclusion criteria included: damage oftarget organs (coronary disease ruled out based on symptoms,electrocardiogram and history, renal failure, retinopathyand stroke), history of diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidismand impaired hepatic or renal function (fig. 1). During therun-in period (4–6 weeks), all patients underwent a completeclinical and laboratory examination to exclude secondary