I. Periodicals Journal of Ecumenical Studies (Temple University [http://dialogueinstitute. org/journal-of-ecumenical-studies/]; University of Pennsylvania Press [http://jes.pennpress.org/home/]) Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations (http://ejournals.bc.edu/ojs/index.php/ scjr) II. Helpful Websites http://www.bc.edu/research/cjl/ (Center for Christian-Jewish Learning) www.ccjr.us (Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations) http://international.huji.ac.il/en/programs/post-docs/the-center-for-the-study-of-christianity (Center for the Study of Christianity at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) http://www.jcrelations.net/Home.112.0.html?L International Council of Christians and Jews) www.woolfinstitute.cam.ac.uk (Woolf Institute, Cambridge, U.K.) http://www.shu.edu/catholic-mission/judaeo-christian-institute/ (Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies, Seton Hall University, So. Orange, NJ) III. Select Bibliography A. Antisemitism Almog, Shmuel. Antisemitism through the Ages. Oxford, U.K.: Pergamon Press, 1988. Flannery, Edward M. Anguish of the Jews, rev. ed. New York and Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Stimulus, 1985. Gager, John. Origins of Anti-Semitism: Attitudes toward Judaism in Pagan and Late Antiquity. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. Goldstein, Phyllis. A Convenient Hatred: History of Antisemitism. Brookline, MA: Facing History and Ourselves, 2012. Hay, Malcolm. Roots of Anti-Semitism. New York: Freedom Library Press, 1981. Heschel, Susannah. in Feminist Theology, Tikkun 5 (May/June, 1990): 25-29. Idinopulos, Thomas A. A Betrayal of Spirit: Jew Hatred, the Holocaust, and Christianity. Aurora, CO: Davies Group, 2007. Isaac, Jules. Has Anti-Semitism Roots in Christianity ? New York: National Conference of Christians and Jews, 1961. --. Teaching of Contempt. New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1964. --. Jesus and Israel. New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1971. Langmuir, Gavin. Toward a Definition of Antisemitism. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1990. Lipton, Sarah. Dark Mirror: Medieval Origins of Anti-Jewish Iconography. New York: Metropolitan Books, 2014. Modras, Ronald. Christian Antisemitism and Auschwitz: Some Reflections on Responsibility, New Theology Review, vol. 10, no. 3 (1997), pp. 58-72. Parkes, James. Antisemitism. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1964. Poliakov, Leon. History of Anti-Semitism. New York: Schocken, 1981. Pontifical Commission Iustitia et Pax. The Church and Racism, Origins 18 (February 23, 1989): 614-626. Stowe, Kenneth. Jewish Dogs, an Image, and Its Interpreters: Continuity in the Jewish-Catholic Encounter. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2006. Trachtenberg, Joshua. Devil and the Jews: Medieval Conception of the Jew and Its Relation to Modern Anti-Semitism. New York: Meridian, 1961. von Kellenbach, Katherina. Anti-Judaism in Feminist Writings. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1994. B. Ethics/Moral Theology Banki, Judith H., and John T. Pawlikowski, eds. Ethics in the Shadow of the Holocaust: and Jewish Perspectives. Franklin, WI, and Chicago: Sheed & Ward, 2002. Bemporad, Jack, John Pawlikowski, and Joseph Sievers. Good and Evil after Auschwitz: Ethical Implications for Today. Hoboken, NJ: Ktav, 2001. Daum, Annette, and Eugene Fisher. Challenge of Shalom for Catholics and Jews: A Dialogical Discussion Guide to the Catholic Bishops' Pastoral on Peace and War. New York: Union of American Hebrew Congregation in cooperation with the Secretariat for Catholic-Jewish Relations, National Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1985. Fisher, Eugene, and Daniel Polish, eds. …
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