In addition, de facto a third form of dumping exists: Non-market economy dumping. Where a non-market economy is under investigation, dumping may be established in a special manner. In all three cases, the establishment of dumping nominally2 is a technical mathematical exercise, which focuses on facts, notably the prices and costs of merchandise in two separate markets. If dumping and resulting injury are found, anti-dumping duties may be imposed to offset or prevent injurious dumping in the importing country market. Anti-dumping duties therefore are defensive (and not punitive) in nature. Systematic price dumping assumes separation of markets and existence of a closed home market, through governmental or market activity. These conditions should make parallel imports impossible. It is perceived to be “unfair” not to allow competition in one’s home market, yet to benefit from the openness of other markets to sell at low prices there. This perception of unfairness can be said to form the current basis for most anti-dumping legislation, although the ADA itself does not label dumping as “unfair” and the WTO carefully avoids that assertion. However, price differentiation as a pricing policy (as often used within domestic economies) is a widely used instrument to introduce products to new markets (however, the effect of such a policy is often balanced by parallel imports). Similarly, temporary sales below fixed costs (but above variable costs) are common in many industries during downturns in the business or product cycle. Therefore, it is important that key substantive concepts of the ADA are applied appropriately. Furthermore, some ADA rules may need to be revised to better reflect business realities in a globalized economy. In the areas of price and cost dumping, current WTO rules leave too much leeway for dumping to be found and anti-dumping measures to be applied in circumstances where systematic dumping does not take place (and, indeed, where domestic competition laws would not find objectionable conduct). We characterize such dumping as incidental dumping. A finding of incidental dumping, as opposed to systematic dumping, may result from various factors, including, but not limited to: