The use of the orotectonic method made it possible to detail significantly the previously proposed schemes of neotectonic zoning of the Eastern segment of the Greater Caucasus megavault. In the Russian part of the segment, the zones of the North-Eastern and Central uplifts are traced. Within the North-Eastern zone, Western, Eastern and Southern subzones are distinguished, differing in their structure and orientation of the main structures. Block structures predominate in the Western and Southern subzones, and folded ones in the Eastern subzones. Among the anticlinal folds, there are folds with eroded arches, as well as folds that are partially preserved. The zone of the central uplifts includes the subzones of the side and main ridges, separated by the subzone of the axial troughs. The trough subzone crosses the entire Eastern segment of the megavault and includes the Northwestern group of differently oriented grabens and the eastern Bezhtino-Samur suture-depression zone with longitudinal grabens. This zone and its subzones are limited by the largest faults and reverse faults. Most regional and local structures are separated by active faults, which may be dangerous for the stability of engineering structures. The obtained original data, which is not available in standard materials on geological surveying for a given area, is useful for construction design and geoecology.
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