Expression of many proteinases has been documented during anther development. Although their roles are not completely understood, their inhibition could possibly result in impairment of anther development leading to male sterility. We proposed that such an impairment of anther development can be engineered in plants resulting in male sterile plants that can be used for hybrid seed production. Here, we report that anther-specific expression of Aprotinin gene (serine proteinase inhibitor) in tobacco has resulted in male sterility. Southern analysis and zymogram analysis confirmed the integration and expression of Aprotinin gene in the anthers of the transgenic plants. Transverse sections of anthers of transgenic male sterile plants showed damaged tapetum. The pollen germination in the transgenic plants ranged between 2% and 65% that confirmed the impairment in pollen production leading to male sterility and low seed yield. Thus, inhibition of serine proteinases that are expressed during anther development has resulted in impaired pollen production and male sterility, though the exact role of these proteinases in anther development still has to be elucidated.