In the process of copper electroplating from a sulfuric acid bath it is well known that the copper anodes must contain a small quantity of phosphorous (CuP) (0.04 to 0.06 %). In the other hand, the electrolyte must contain a small amount of chloride ions (50 to 100 mg/L). The result is the formation on an anodic black film. The latter is essential in the proper functioning of the copper electroplating process. The presence of this black film prevents the formation of anodic sludge which compromises the quality of the copper deposits. The anodic behavior of copper is of great interest not only from the theoretical point of view but also as an important practical problem. The anodic sludge is formed by one of the following mechanisms [1], [2], Eq. (1) which is the disproportionation reaction of the cuprous ions, mechanism 1:2 Cu+ ↔ Cu2+ + Cu (1)Eq. (1) is responsible for the formation of anodic sludges. The mechanism 2 is the preferential dissolution along the intergrain boundaries and the consequent detachment of complete crystal grains from the crystalline structure. The addition of phosphorus as an alloying element during the manufacture of the anodes and the presence of chloride ions in the plating bath result in the formation of the anodic black film which eliminates the possibility of copper anode grains detachment and the alteration of the anodic dissolution mechanism. Copper anode dissolution proceeds under a two steps mechanism described by Eq. (2) and (3):Cu ↔ Cu+ + e- (2)Cu+ -> Cu2+ + e- (3)Both of these reactions take place in the anodic film. In order to move from a bath with additives to a bath without additives, it is essential to answer the following questions: What is the effect of organic additives on the anodic side? What is the optimal concentration range for chloride ions? What is the influence of the grain size of Copper-Phosphorus anodes?The present work deals with a extended characterization of the black anodic film and relevant insights about its formation mechanisms.[1] : ST. RASHKOV and L. VUCHKOV, The Kinetics and Mechanism of The Anodic Dissolution of Phosphorus-Containing Copper in Bright Copper Plating Electrolytes, Surface Technology, 14 (1981) 309 – 321.[2] : G. S. Frankel, A. G. Schrott, H. S. lsaacs, J. Horkans, and P. C. Andricacos, Behavior of CuP and OFHC Cu Anodes under EIectrodeposition Conditions, United States. Department of Energy, Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, NY (United States), 1992. Figure 1
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