Quantitative analysis of ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) stiffness and impact-loading response could assist the orthotic industry and orthotists in fabricating and prescribing the most appropriate AFO design. Previous investigators have studied the flexibility of AFOs by using base plates fixed to the AFO and applying forces to the shank. However, when the footplate is fixed, the only regions of the AFO that are evaluated are the ankle and calf areas. These earlier studies are perhaps appropriate for current materials, such as polypropylene, that predominantly fatigue and fail in the flexibility zone, usually situated around the ankle region of the AFO. With the introduction of advanced composites applied to AFO fabrication, the ankle region can be strengthened by adding material, where needed, to prevent further fatigue or failure. However, other regions of the AFO may fail because of the relatively high modulus and strength characteristics of these advanced composites compared with metals and polypropylene. In this article, we attempt to demonstrate the utility of a new AFO apparatus that can test the structural displacement or stiffness of an AFO when it is subjected to static or impact loads. A series of tests of different AFO designs and materials was conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of this new apparatus. This apparatus is capable of simulating three phases of the gait cycle in a static mode, of assessing an isolated region of an AFO under study, and of testing the entire AFO freely. The orthosis test apparatus provides quantitative information that may be of value to orthotic education programs, research and development centers, the orthotics industry, and large central fabrication facilities in evaluating and quantifying mechanical behavior of AFO designs. Better understanding of AFO mechanical behavior can add to the array of evaluative criteria that the orthotist needs in providing the most assistive AFO design, including biomechanical support, functionality, and durability for their patients.