Abstract We analysed phylogenetic relationships within a major clade of Cyprinodontiformes (Teleostei) that includes five families of North American killifishes. We used DNA sequences from five genes for 130 species, with four fossil calibrations and three secondary calibrations, to generate a time-calibrated phylogeny. We estimated diversification rates, ancestral areas, and ancestral habitats for each node. Findings were interpreted within a detailed biogeographical synthesis. The results indicate that the clade arose in the Eocene along the Gulf of México coast. The speciation rate was uniform through time, except for acceleration in Cyprinodontidae after ~10.9 Mya. In other families, neither viviparity nor marine-to-freshwater transition was associated with accelerated speciation. Sea-level fluctuations might have created a speciation pump by stimulating cycles of dispersal and vicariance along the coast. Diversification also included many cases of inland immigration from coastal ancestors. For upland lineages, ancient river drainages accord with lineage distributions, including enigmatic disjunctions in Goodeidae and Fundulus. Diversification in uplands occurred via barrier displacement within alluvial or tectonically active landscapes. Killifishes also display high environmental tolerance and persist within harsh, peripheral environments unsuitable for most other fishes. Hence, a combination of clade antiquity, adaptability, dynamic geography, and persistence can explain the living diversity of New World killifishes.
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