Synopsis. The first part of the Paper describes the major rivers of Khuzistan, the ancient irrigation systems, and the possibilities of reviving irrigation on a large scale in the province without deteriment to navigation on the Karun. Used in conjunction with the Ab-i-Diz, a tributary of the Karun, and the River Karkeh, the potentialities of a suggested impounding reservoir on the Upper Karun for irrigation, and for hydro-electricity and flood control in the province are described in general terms. The silt problem is also discussed. The second part of the Paper describes certain deductions made on the regime of the Shatt el Arab. The rise and fall of the water-level in the inland delta of South Iraq is influenced by the obstruction to the flow of the Shatt el Arab caused by the discharge of the Karun, and the suggested impounding reservoir on the Upper Karun offers possibilities for flood control and land reclamation in South Iraq.